If you have come to Fiverr looking for a creative mind to build a name for you that Catchy and Unique Names with Domain, Trademark, Taglines and Logos, you have arrived at the right place!Who am I?
With more than five years experience as a branding consultant and digital marketer, creative naming is second nature and something I thoroughly enjoy. Whether it's helping a new business idea blossom into a startup or working with an existing brand to do a name make-over – I take all jobs as an exciting challenge to create value and deliver excellence.
What's my process?
- I like to understand your business, target audience, and any initial direction you may have.
- I do extensive market research to understand what competitors are up to.
- I develop names based on linguistics and market trends – and confirm it's not already taken.
- I ensure my customers are happy & excited about their options!
P.S. I never use name generator tools – I can ensure that all name ideas come from my diligent market research & creative thinking.

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